Then God points out to the words: You shall not bow down to them or serve them.
Question: So they should include this in The Ten Commandments.
God’s answer:
They should understand rather than omit.
Meaning: One should not omit/change God’s words because one does not understand what they mean or they are interpreted wrongly by others, an occurrence that sadly has taken place many times, as God points out (i.e. The Lords prayer, and in Chapter 22, a deletion in John 1, “In the beginning was the word...” which changed the meaning altogether of what The Word is).
Question: Is this correct?
God’s answer:
Question: Please explain.
God’s answer:
Meaning:I am sure, you have noticed that I am constantly asking God to confirm if what I have written are truly His answers and to ask His permission to include or not include certain things, etc. Often, I even ask God to confirm His confirmation just to be doubly sure. I do this because I don’t want to misquote God or say something is from Him, when it may just be my own thoughts. The integrity of God’s words is important.